Price: $345 for residents/$395 for non-residents for up to 15 children; $10 per additional child.
2 hours in a party room fully decorated in your desired theme, a party host, a themed craft, an activity related to the party theme, tables and chairs, and paperware
Unicorn, Mermaid, Frozen, PJ Party, Dinosaur, Marvel, Star Wars, Fortnite
Price: $400 for residents/$450 for non-residents for up to 15 guests; $10 per additional guest. Please note that your guest count includes non-swimming adults and/or children 3 years and older.
2 hours of swim time (during public swim) at The Water Works
1 hour in a party room, a party host, tables, chairs, colored tablecloths and paperware
Upgrade Options:
Additional party host: $15/hour
Balloon arch: $45
Pizza: $18/pizza (cheese, sausage or pepperoni)
Character Visit: $200 for 30 minutes
Upgrade to Discovery Room (indoor playground): $25
Private Pool Rental (Saturday/Sunday evening): Learn More!
Additional Room Time: Cost of room rental rate
Decoration package: $75 for an existing theme or $100 for a custom theme