In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, the Schaumburg Park District’s Freedom of Information Officer is Director of Finance and Administration Steve Burgess.
The following form may be used to request records of the Park District. Tony LaFrenere is the Open Meetings Act Officer. FOIA Request Form
Notice for Filing of Election Petitions
Park Commissioner Election Notice 2025
2024 Comptroller Annual Financial Report
Comptroller Annual Financial Report
Vendor Information Reporting Form
Notice of Posted Budget 2025-2026
Budget & Appropriation Ordinance 2024-2025
Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 2023-2024
Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 2022-2023
Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 2021-2022
December 14, 2023 Bond Ordinance
November 11, 2021 Bond Ordinance
November 12, 2020 Bond Ordinance
4% of IAPD dues funds legislative advocacy and can be considered lobbying support for parks and recreation. The district does not directly fund any lobbying efforts with either local, state or federal governments.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Section 7(e) of the Open Meetings Act (the “Act”), which provided that open or closed meetings of a public body, including its committees thereof, may be conducted by audio or video conference without physical presence of a quorum of its members, will no longer be in effect as of May 11, 2023 because Governor Pritzker’s disaster declaration related to the COVID 19 pandemic expires on that date. Accordingly, the physical quorum of the Board of Park Commissioners of the Schaumburg Park District (the “Park Board”) and of each of its committees, must be physically present for a member or members of the Park Board, or committee, to attend such meeting electronically, and then only in accordance with Part I of Schaumburg Park District Ordinance No. 20-04-1P, “AN ORDINANCE DEFINING MEETING AND ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR ELECTRONIC ATTENDANCE AT MEETING (PART I) AND SPECIAL RULES AND PROCEDURES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC PURSUANT TO GOVERNOR PRITZKER’S EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2020-17 (PART II)” adopted April 9, 2020.
Nevertheless, as an accommodation to the press and public, and because of the limited size of the Board Room in the Jerry Handlon Administration Building, 235 East Beech Drive, Schaumburg, Illinois, 60193, the Park Board will continue to conduct its meetings in person and electronically.
Accordingly, members of the public are encouraged to consider attending the Park Board meeting remotely by utilizing the Zoom conference application either by calling the following telephone conference number (312) 626-6799, or by utilizing the Join Zoom Meeting link, and in either case to participate you must utilize the following Meeting ID: 488776 7687. A link to said Zoom Meeting will also be available on the Schaumburg Park District web site by clicking on the link for the April 10, 2025 Park Board meeting at the regularly scheduled date and time of said meeting.